刘伟,男,1989,湖南岳阳湘阴人,工学博士,邮箱lwei_work@163.com。主要从事磁浮列车-桥梁耦合振动及结构动力方程数值积分研究,自编了磁浮列车-桥梁耦合振动分析程序,实现了不同磁浮列车与不同类型桥梁耦合作用下的时程分析和随机振动分析。另外针对结构动力方程的求解,提出了高效的数值积分方法。近年来,在《Engineering Structures》、《Structures》、《International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics》、《KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering》等国内外期刊发表多篇SCI高水平论文,主要代表性著作如下:
[1]Wei Liu, Tianxi Ye, Peng Yuan, Beer M, XiaoLong Tong. An explicit integration method with third-order accuracy for linear and nonlinear dynamic systems.Engineering Structures2023,274,115013.
[2]WeiLiu, Wenhua Guo.A novel predictor-corrector explicit integration scheme for structural dynamics.Structures,2021,34, 2735-2745.
[3]WeiLiu, Wenhua Guo.A non-iterative integration scheme enriching the solution to the coupled maglev vehicle-bridge system.International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2021, 21(4),2150052.
[4]Wei Liu, Wenhua Guo. Vibration analysis of EMS-type maglev vehicles traveling over a long-span bridge with double lines.KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2020,24(5), 1531-1544.
[5]WeiLiu, Wenhua Guo. Random vibration analysis of coupled three-dimensional maglev vehicle-bridge system. Advances in Civil Engineering,2019, 4920659.