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发布时间:2023-09-13 来源:WilliamHill体育 作者: 浏览数:



研究课题:Hydration Mechanisms and Microstructure Development of Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC)"


1.Linmei Wu,Xiaoluo Cao,ZhenmingLi.Behaviour of steel-reinforced concrete columns under combined

torsion based on ABAQUS FEA,Engineering Structures,109980

2.Linmei Wu,Caijun Shi,Zuhua Zhang,Hao Wang.Multi-scale modeling for High Performance Concrete:

A Review,Intemational Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering,16(1):117 (2018)

3.Linmei Wu,,Nima Farzadnial,Caijun Shi,Zuhua Zhang Hao Wang.Autogenous shrinkage of high

performance concrete A review,Construction and Building Materials 149:62-75 September 2017

4.Linmei Wu,Peng Liu,Caijun Shi,Zhuhua Zhang,T.Quoc Bui,Dengwu Jiao.Edge-based smoothed

extended finite element method for dynamic fracture analysis.Applied Mathematical Modelling,2016,

5.Linmei Wu,Caijun Shi,Zuhua Zhang,Hao Wang.Effects of Steel Fiber on Drying Shrinkage of Ultra

High Performance Concrete.Materials Review,23:007.September 2017

6.Linmei Wu,Yongjiang Shao.Experimental research on composite torsional behavior of H steel reinforced

concrete column under monotonic loading.Bulletin of the Journal of Suzhou University of Science and

Technology (Engineering and Technology),2013,32(6):1005-1011.